Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Will the Tivo

Sooo, it's no secret that Matt has a SMALL obsession with Tivo. Well, now he is getting Will into it.

This is what I hear this weekend coming from the master bedroom in the morning:

'Will, this is the Tivo remote. It allows you to Pause, Play and Fast on the TV. Can you pause?'

So I come into the room and pause/freeze in mid-air when Matt says 'Pause' again. Will looks up and smiles. Matt says 'Play' and I continue what I am doing. Matt says 'Fast' and I hustlehustle speedy run around like a chicken with my head cut off.

Will is dying laughing at this point. Then he yells out PAUSE. So I stop and he is so proud. Matt yells Fast and I go fast again. Then Will catches on and says 'Pause' 'Play' 'Fast' and I am doing it all.

And so it begins...the new game. Every time will says one of the words he laughs and smiles. sooo great.

Thanks Tivo.

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