Tuesday, September 1, 2009

pockets and a hunt

went to the grocery yesterday and will has a new frustration - he doesn't have enough hands to hold everything he wants to hold. (!) so, we were cruisin through the grocery and he had a ball in each hand (still his fave) and he wanted to hold a peach that was in the cart too. brow furrowed and grumpiness and a little whining ensued. so, i said, 'WILL! you know what?! you have these amazing things in your pants called pockets! they are material that is sewn shut and they hold things! so, look, i can put your ball in your pocket and it is still yours and you still have it!' i take it from him gently and drop it in his pocket. then reach my hand in and get it out again. the look on his face was astonishment. happiness. excitement. then he puts one in his pocket and out. in and out. and now he has a free hand for his peach. ahhh, if life were this easy for all of us.

(when we got home, he said to daddy 'POCKET!' and then i slipped some stuff in his pockets when he wasn't looking. he reached in and found some toys. Oh BOY did that make him happy! so, now will has and knows and says pocket.)

after a little bit at home we decided to play everyone's favorite game: throw balls over the deck railing! and, since they are balls, they roll all the way down the driveway and sometimes into the street. usually will plays by himself until he calls in for a partner. and by partner, i mean - someone to go and retrieve the ball down the hill. So, i hear the famous 'Help Please Mama! Get it Please!' from the deck. I come running out and see that he only has one ball in his hand. i.e. the other one is down the hill...since he almost always has one in each hand.

Sooo, yesterday, i decided to turn it into yet another game. 'Will, let's go on a HUNT for the ball!!' He got the look on his face like 'OHMYGAWD mama! i am so excited i don't know what to do now!' 'Will, go get your hunt hat first!' he runs and gets his little explorer hat (yes, he has one and knows that he has to wear it for a hunt). then he runs to the front door. 'Will, do you need your crocs on?!' 'Yeah!' (see below) and he plops down on his bum and we put his shoes on. Daddy pipes in 'do you need your flashlight?!' 'Yeah!' Runs and gets his flashlight. And we are finally ready for a hunt.

Much pleasure, happiness and sillies ensue as we are hunting around the driveway in the daylight with our explorer hats and flashlights on. then, we the unthinkable happens! we find THREE balls! Yup, lost one and found three. He was BESIDE himself! Annnnddd, what did we do with the third ball? Put it in our pocket.


(see below note from above: I NEVER thot I would be one of those parents...the ones that corrects their kiddos when they use bad grammer, etc. well, after listening to his dear old mom a ton, he now says 'YEAH' instead of Yes. sigh. so, we are working on correcting that ASAP. heehee)

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