Saturday, October 24, 2009


So, everyone in the family has some phrase that they teach Will that is forever associated with that person. For example,
'what does Grandma Debbi say?' 'YEEEE-HAAWWWW'
Auntie Lisa = 'Hol-ey Smokes!'
Uncle Al = 'Awessoommmmme' (spelling = how he says it)
Grampy Ray = Puffs his cheeks up
Auntie Pauline = 'Eeee,Eeee' and dances with his arms
Uncle Bry = 'YUCKKKK!'
What did Grampy Bill teach you? = 'Hammer!' (taught him to hammer nails)

Soooo, since my parents are in town, we needed something to teach him for Nana Niki. What did she come up with? Dynamite! So, he says 'Dy-NO-Mite!'

And then when I have to help a little if he forgets, I whisper in his ear 'dynamite'. then he turns and puts his hand up to his face and whispers 'dynooomite'.

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