Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Took a bit of time off from writing for the holidays. playing catch up, but the below story prompted me to write again, as this one had me in absolute shock.

Last night, Alex, Will, Matt and I decided to go out to dinner downtown. This was AFTER we picked up Will's pair of season ski rentals in town. He is dying over the boots and can't wait to ski. anyway...

we went into the kinda lurky Old Town Pub. Sat down and all was well. Getting comfy and I spotted a pool table across the room. Something popped to mind and I said 'Hey, Will, do you know what that is? A POOL TABLE. With the green top and all the balls?' He looked over and studied it for a bit.

I next said 'do you ever remember seeing one of those before?' (i then whispered to matt and al that i would die if he got it.)

about 8 seconds of studying, silence went by. I had my arm around him and he looked at me and said, as if it JUST came slamming into focus, 'With Shai!'

Yup, the only time in his life he has ever seen or been near a pool table was 3 months ago in Cambodia. We went into the FCC (Foreign Correspondants Club - yes, as seen in the Amazing Race, months later) and got drinks. The 6 of us were literally there for 30 minutes and the boys messed around with the balls on the pool table for 10 minutes.

I am still kinda shaking my head at that one. jaw agape. so proud of this kid. i screamed and hugged him when he said it.