Sunday, April 25, 2010

couple of fun notes about WGH

Some recent emotional expressions from Will: 'I’m happy mommy.' 'I cried about you.' 'That feels better!' 'I'm not sad anymore.'

He totally 'gets it' when we have at home conversations and what to share at school. Like we can giggle about potty talk and boobies v. bloobies, but he never talks about it in front of anyone else. Awesome.

He really wants to take care of Rocky. "I want to take care of Rocky. Give him meds and keep him happy. Let's take him to the doctor."

Dies over skiing, biking, and skateboarding, which he calls fakeboarding, cause he isn't so good with his sk's.

When we get ready to go on a trip he LOVES to pack and pull around his own suitcase. Sooo great!